
Showing posts from October, 2019

9 Begriffe die Sie vor dem Kauf einer Krankenversicherung wissen müssen

Unerwartete medizinische Umstände können Ihr Leben unter der Schuld der monetären Belastungen führen. Medizinische Notfälle sind unsicher, und die Bereitschaft zu einer solchen Krise ist der erste Schritt, um zu verhindern, dass ein kleines Unglück zu einer großen medizinischen Katastrophe wird. Krankenversicherungen sind an einige gängige Terminologien gebunden, die sehr grundlegend, aber für einen langen Weg unerlässlich sind. Daher ist es vor dem Kauf einer Krankenversicherung sehr wichtig, diese Terminologien zu verstehen, um den am besten geeigneten Plan auszuwählen. Hier wird Ihnen die unten genannte Terminologieliste ein besseres Verständnis der krankenkasse ermöglichen. 1. Versichert  Ein Versicherter ist eine Person oder Organisation, die von der Krankenversicherung über zukünftige medizinische Unsicherheiten abgedeckt ist. Einfach ausgedrückt: Ein Versicherter kauft die Krankenversicherung. 2. Versicherer Ein Versicherer ist eine Person oder eine Versicherungsgese

Ein einfacher Leitfaden zum Kauf von Krankenversicherungen für Frauen

Laut L'Assemblée fédérale de la Confédération suisse (LaMal) muss jeder, der im Land lebt, eine Grundversicherung abschließen. Die Schweiz verfügt über ein universelles Krankenversicherungssystem mit mehreren Krankenkassen am Markt. Angesichts so vieler Möglichkeiten auf dem Markt, eine Krankenversicherung für Frauen zu finden, kann es eine schwierige Aufgabe sein. In jüngster Zeit aufgrund von Veränderungen im Lebensstil und Arbeitsmuster Krankheiten wie Herzinfarkt, Diabetes, Brustkrebs, Schilddrüse, Eierstockzysten, Hormon-bezogene Störungen haben Frauen erheblich betroffen. Daher ist es wichtig, von der Krankenversicherung abgedeckt zu werden, um finanziell geschützt zu sein, um solche unerwünschten Krankheiten zu bekämpfen.  Der folgende Leitfaden kann Ihnen helfen, die für Ihre Gesundheitsanforderungen am besten geeignete Richtlinie auszuwählen.  1. Finden Sie einen Versicherer, der ein einfaches Anspruchsverfahren hat Ein Krankenversicherungsanspruch ist ein Antra

Vorteile der Krankenversicherungsberatung in der Schweiz

Die sich schnell entwickelnde Marktdynamik und das sich verändernde Verbraucherverhalten haben in der Schweizer krankenkassesbranche einen rasanten Wandel gebracht. Die krankenkasses in der Schweiz hat verschiedene Elemente in der Wertschöpfungskette, unter Berücksichtigung von Ärzten, Patienten, Versicherungen und Krankenhäusern. Für einen gemeinsamen Bürger ist es schwierig und komplex, jedes Element des krankenkassesssystems zu verstehen. Um eine solche Situation in Angriff zu nehmen, ist die Beratung mit einem Marktexperten die beste Lösung. Die Beratung ermöglicht es dem Kunden, eine angemessene krankenkasses abzuschließen. Die Inanspruchnahme von krankenkassesberatung reduziert die Kosten und die Komplexität des Kaufs einer krankenkasses Es treibt auch Wert auf die Ausgaben des Kunden für eine krankenkasse. Die Inanspruchnahme einer krankenkassessberatung hat verschiedene Vorteile. Einige der wichtigen Vorteile sind unten aufgeführt: 1. Hilft beim Erwerb einer angemessenen k

In-depth Understanding the Benefits of a Family Health Insurance Plan

A medical emergency might strike any loved ones at any moment of time. Medical emergencies are uncertain in nature, but their effects are long-lasting in an individual’s life. For an individual, the prime focus is the well-being and health of oneself along with its family members. In Switzerland according to the federal health insurance law LaMal having a health insurance policy is a mandate. Keeping the same in track, Health insurance​ providers in Switzerland have launched many plans for the benefit of the family members along with the individual at very affordable premium charges. These policies provide certain important benefits to the entire family, which are listed below: 1. The premiums are affordable. If an entire family is covered under the same health insurance policy, it enables a bulk discount on each health insurance policy covered by a specific family member. Covering a family is a one-time investment that facilitates bulk buying of the insurance policy which lead

Benefits of a Health Insurance Policy for Young Individuals

Health insurance is one of the most cost-effective ways to save your financial spending on medical expenses. Health insurance reduces unexpected financial burdens arising out of an accidental hospitalization or illness. Buying a health insurance policy is an important decision that requires careful and in-depth evaluation. While buying a health insurance policy a person is required to know its medical needs and coverages so as to ensure the right deals. It is easy to buy a health insurance policy , only if you approach it in the right way. The necessary requirement for a quality healthcare system has made it compulsory for everyone residing in Switzerland to be covered by a basic health insurance policy. Switzerland follows a universal healthcare system with multiple players in the market. Every health insurer comes with different policies and features to cater to the different needs of people. Health insurance policies also depend on the gender and age structure of a person. Heal

Six Essential Tips to Compare Health Insurance Plans in Switzerland

A medical emergency is a natural phenomenon, which is uncertain in nature. It poses an immediate risk to a person's health and life. A risk that is related to an individual's life and health can never be controlled or stopped, therefore, it is important for an individual to cover its life by a health insurance policy. A health insurance policy also enables financial safety and security. In Switzerland, there are various insurance providers which offer different policies. Comparing different health insurance policies and finding the best one is a difficult task. Enlisted below are a few pointers that can help make this process effective and efficient. One must surely go through these tips to make a corrective decision. 1. Check for the complete and correct details of the insurance provider Before buying a policy, it is very important for an individual to check and verify the correct and complete details of the insurance provider. This verification of the insurance pro

4 External Key Factors that Drives the Rise in Health Insurance Premium

Presently the Switzerland Healthcare market is experiencing a continuous rise in the cost of medical expenditure. However, it is a mandate for every resident living in Switzerland to be insured by a basic health insurance policy. An individual covered by a health insurance policy is liable to receive medical treatments and facilities during the time of medical emergencies. A health insurance plan acts as a safeguard for medical uncertainties . Every year the insurance companies in Switzerland announce their premium charges based on some important factors and considerations. These factors are liable to increase or decrease the premium charges. Comparatively, over the years the premium charges in Switzerland have seen a continuous steady increase.  In Switzerland, laws regarding health insurance are looked over and governed by the Switzerland Federation of Law. The federation tries to limit and control the charges of health insurance premiums in the country. They maintain a strict p

How to Buy a Health Insurance Policy Online in Switzerland

The costs of medical expenses are increasing on a regular basis making it really difficult for an individual to manage medical care expenses. This cost includes charges like doctor’s visit fees, hospitalization charges, diagnostic tests, ambulance charges, etc. Since medical emergencies are unpredictable in nature buying a health insurance policy has become essential to deal with the increasing cost of medical expenses. A health insurance policy takes care of all the health care expenses within the permissible limitations of the policy.  In Switzerland, it is compulsory for all its residents to have a basic health insurance policy. The premium charged on the policy depends on the location of the resident. Basel, Zurich, and Geneva are some cities where premiums are charged higher. In this age of buying things digital, an individual can compare health insurance policy online and avail the benefit of hassle-free insurance service at the comfort of his/her home.  Buying a health i

Understanding Cashless Health Insurance Plan in Switzerland

It is compulsory for every resident living in Switzerland to have a basic health insurance plan.  A health insurance policy  is a great source of support during medical emergencies. It reduces the financial burden and ensures an easy and peaceful  recovery of the policyholder. When an individual purchases a cashless health insurance policy, it facilitates coverage for  pre-hospitalization and post-hospitalization. The coverage, however, differs from policy to policy and from provider to provider.  The selection of buying a health insurance plan is very simple. It starts with knowing your needs. It is very important to  evaluate the needs of an individual since health conditions differ from person to person. After evaluating the needs it is  advisable to compare different policies, their coverage, and their premiums. Various health insurers have variously diversified  plans that offer a wide variety of plans to select from so it is required for an individual to compare diff